Honghu Xue

Honghu Xue

PhD student

University of Luebeck


Honghu Xue investigates in his doctoral thesis “Sample-efficient Deep Reinforcement Learning”. His methods are applied to navigation tasks. He started his PhD study in March 2019. Prior to that, He received his M.Sc. in Embedded Systems Engineering at Albert-Ludwigs-University of Freiburg with the study focus on Reinforcement Learning, Machine Learning and AI.

  • Deep Reinforcement Learning (Sample-efficient Deep RL, Model-based RL, Model-free RL, Automatic Curriculum Learning, Efficient Exploration Strategies, Distributional RL)
  • Deep Learning (Time Series Prediction, Attention Mechanism, Probabilistic Deep Learning, Generation of High Resolution Images, Video Prediction)
  • PhD in Artificial Intelligence, 2019/03 - 2023/09

    Univeristy of Luebeck

  • MEng in Embedded Systems Engineering, 2013/10 - 2017/12

    Albert-Ludwigs Univerity of Freiburg

  • Diplom(-Ing.) in Information, Communication and Media Technology (Dual-Degree), 2009/09 - 2013/07

    Luebeck University of Applied Sciences

  • BSc in Electrical Engineering and Automation (Dual-Degree), 2009/09 - 2013/07

    East China University of Science and Technology